
NYC Physical Fitness Training - Custom Performance NYC

Flossing, not just for your teeth: Joint Mobility & Muscle Flexibility.

Flossing, or compression band therapy, is a tool that sports medicine professionals can use to assist with other manual therapy techniques. The “floss” is a latex, elastic band that is wrapped around a body part with varying degrees of tension. It cleans and clears muscles of irritation or congestion, improving muscle flexibility, joint range of motion, pain sensation, and blood transfer.

Flossing, not just for your teeth: Joint Mobility & Muscle Flexibility. Read More »

NYC Physical Fitness Training - Custom Performance NYC

How To Work From Home In A Shared Space

We’re learning how to navigate living and working in a space that has been exclusively “home”. Kitchens and living rooms have been transformed into makeshift offices, and standing desks have been created with shoeboxes and textbooks. I’ve set up a yoga mat on my kitchen floor to demonstrate exercises. All of this has been done with our new “coworkers”. Over the last few weeks, I’ve come up with a few tips that have helped me navigate this new work environment.

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Custom Performance NYC - NYC Physical Therapy Studio

Scoliosis and Running

I’ve had scoliosis, a curvature of the spine, much longer than I’ve been a runner. While it's tempting to focus more on the structural abnormality, scoliosis itself presents with a variety of symptoms. Examining the symptoms themselves is the most important course when you're dealing with scoliosis in runners.

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NYC Physical Fitness Training - Custom Performance NYC

Are Your Hips To Blame For Your Low Back Pain?

"I've got a bad back!" Low back pain is a frequent complaint and is common in runners. Sound like you? When experiencing low back pain, it's tempting to blame it all on your "bad back," but the cause of discomfort is not always where you feel the pain. Often, the true cause of low back pain lies in the nearby joints. This is especially true if you experience low back pain after running but not during daily life.

Are Your Hips To Blame For Your Low Back Pain? Read More »

Custom Performance NYC - NYC Physical Therapy Studio

Pilates For Core Strength

As anyone who has experienced low back pain will tell you, it's something you worry about even after it’s gone. Low back pain is a chronic battle that can flare up from the smallest of movements, an easy household task, or just from stress!  When low back pain affects runners, it will sideline your training for weeks, even if the cause is unrelated to your running!

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Custom Performance NYC - NYC Physical Therapy Studio

Finding Myself in Yoga

I remember the first time I took a yoga class. I was in my late 20’s and had just started running obstacle course races for fitness and fun. I was taking military-style HIIT classes, TRX, and spin on a regular basis. A friend of mine thought it would be great for me to add yoga to my training to help with flexibility. I told her I didn’t really consider myself a “yoga person”, but would give it a try. Long story short. I hated it!

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Custom Performance NYC - NYC Physical Therapy Studio

Mindful Training & Recovery: Your Thoughts Matter.

You can set the most brilliant SMART goal possible and still not feel particularly motivated or you may feel pressure to follow through on goals that just aren’t healthy for your body. These are the moments when we want to take a look at how our thought patterns are affecting our behavioral patterns. How often are you paying attention to your self-talk? Would you talk to a loved one the way you talk to yourself? (STOP. Don’t keep reading until you’ve genuinely thought that last question through)

Mindful Training & Recovery: Your Thoughts Matter. Read More »

NYC Physical Therapy and Fitness Training Studio - Custom PT

Winter Running Motivation: Tricking Yourself Out The Door

Your alarm goes off, you open your eyes, and for a moment you’re convinced it must still be the middle of the night. It’s so dark and the window is a bit drafty…. This must be a mistake! But no, this was completely intentional. You set your alarm last night with the intention of waking up and getting your run done first thing in the morning. The only problem: it’s February in NYC.

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NYC Physical Therapy and Fitness Training Studio - Custom PT

Staying Warm in Winter Weather

There is a certain kind of power that comes from running in winter weather. You feel tough when you're bundling up, and the sense of accomplishment that comes from running in the cold is second to none. But there are risk factors to running in extreme temperatures, and it's important to protect yourself from the elements on your run.

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NYC Physical Therapy and Fitness Training Studio - Custom PT

YakTrax for Winter Running

Winter running brings many challenges. Some people resort to the treadmill, while others brave the cold and layer up. If you are one of the brave souls who run outside in the winter months, one of the biggest dangers is your footing in the snow and ice. There are a few different modifications and additions you can make to your shoe to help prevent slipping and falling. Two of the main options are Yaktrax and a modification called “the screw shoe.”

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