NYC Physical Therapy and Fitness Training Studio - Custom PT

Reflections on the last year: Whitney Dosik


Here is my story. During the covid-19 lockdown and year, it’s really been a time of reflection. And not knowing what will come next.

I am one who loves to plan trips( even if it’s small ones to Boston or Washington DC) and love to plan get-togethers as well. That all went down the drain during this time. It was hard but found it was ok to feel down and powerless. We don’t always have to be on the go and doing something, that does not define us.

I don’t think I have lost anything but gained a lot of strength in myself. It has made me try new workouts virtually obviously, and gain more friends ( communities). Really showed me who I want in my life, my friends wise and who is there for me, and my mental state. A Lot of things I normally would do had to come up in another way. For example, doing the Virtual Boston Marathon in my studio apartment not on a treadmill just walking around my futon A million times. I did not want to do it outdoors because I did not want to wear a mask for that long, and did not know what the bathroom situation would be like. I thank the people on youtube who posted their different ways of doing a virtual marathon indoors or on their balconies. I also got to spend more time than I really think I ever have with my brother outdoor activities only ( since he travels a lot for work).

I am different today than I was a year ago in the way that I take in nature more and really like to be out of the city as much as I can to take in that upstate NY air. And I have been exploring central park like never before. I am more grateful for things I have and get to do and not take things for granted. Life is too short as we all know and if you really want to do something you need to go after it and take these actionable steps to get to your goal.

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