Yoga for Running Cooldown
Is yoga good for recovery? We get asked this a lot, especially during marathon training, when runner’s are always looking for ways to get more stretching and mobility into their …
Yoga for Running Cooldown Read More »
Is yoga good for recovery? We get asked this a lot, especially during marathon training, when runner’s are always looking for ways to get more stretching and mobility into their …
Yoga for Running Cooldown Read More »
Marathon Fall is quickly approaching (first day of Fall was 9/22 for anyone who forgot). If you have a major marathon on your calendar, it’s been at least two years since you’ve been in this position.
Is how much you sweat an indication of how good your workout is? Read More »
Marathon Fall is quickly approaching (first day of Fall was 9/22 for anyone who forgot). If you have a major marathon on your calendar, it’s been at least two years since you’ve been in this position.
Plantar fasciitis is an inflammatory condition of the plantar fascia which is a thick, fibrous ligament that runs along the bottom of the foot and connects the heel to the front of the foot. Someone with plantar fasciitis will experience intense pain at the bottom of their heel; in some cases, pain can radiate up the leg causing discomfort in the ankle and calf.
Acupuncture for Plantar Fasciitis Read More »
Instagram, Facebook, and Strava all share a few things in common but the biggest thing they share is that each post reflects a singular moment in time. Social media allows us to highlight moments we want to share with the world, depicting ourselves in a way we want others to see us.
What you see doesn’t tell the whole story Read More »
Let's talk about the hamstrings! We tend not to think a lot about these muscles until something goes wrong, but once it does, we can't stop thinking about them. It’s time for a quick anatomy lesson!
Feeling run down or generally fatigued lately? Not hitting paces in workouts that felt like no problem a few weeks ago? Resting heart rate higher than usual or increased shortness of breath while running? It could be a sign of iron deficiency or anemia. Because these symptoms sound similar to COVID, iron deficiency and anemia have been flying under the radar.
The signs of Iron Deficiency and its effect on your performance Read More »
The purpose of this blog is to understand what is considered "normal" when it comes to monthly cycles and to introduce you to some hormones you may not know about. This is the first step in understanding what’s abnormal!
If you’re eleven months into working from home and have new foot pain, you aren't alone. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed many things about our daily routines: from new home from work setups to home gyms, and a shrinking list of reasons to leave the house, you may go longer than a day without putting on shoes.
WFH: Shoes or No Shoes? Read More »
I tested positive for COVID... so, when can I run? There’s a short and long answer to that question. The short answer is: hold all exercises for two weeks following your positive test. While it's only been a year since COVID was identified, like any other illness, exercising while sick is not advised.
Covid Return To Run Read More »