NYC Physical Therapy and Fitness Training Studio - Custom PT

Meet Amber!


Describe yourself in one sentence.

I’m a run coach, a trainer, and I make homemade mashed potatoes more often than I’d like to admit.

How did you get into your current career?

I grew up in Indiana so basketball and sports have always been in my blood. In 2008 I moved to NYC as a performer and I traveled the US and internationally with Broadway productions. Fitness and movement have always been in my soul so I told myself if anything came along and created a starting line for me I’d never let that opportunity pass. So I did just that. I traded in my dance heels for running shoes and now I’m a run coach, a senior trainer at Barry’s in NYC, and the Cofounder of Brave Body Project: A space for people to celebrate their strength and connect through their passion for fitness, body empowerment, & the pursuit of living a brave life.

What is your favorite pastime, other than running?

Watching the Bachelorette. And on a good night eating my favorite pizza while I watch it.

What is something we may not know about you?

I have a twin sister! She’s my best friend and much better at tackling life’s problems than me. I’d be lost without her.

Tequila or vodka?

Vodka Soda for life!

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