NYC Physical Therapy and Fitness Training Studio - Custom PT

Meet Cristina!


Describe yourself in one sentence.

Whiskey in a teacup.

What’s one thing we may not know about you?

I’m trying to learn Italian, but I’m actually fluent in gibberish. Oh, and I have a pasta tattoo 😉

Life Motto.

He who has a “why” to live can bear almost any “how.”

What are three achievements you are proud of?

  • My decision to leave my own professional dance career behind and to pursue my passion for dance education. I always had an inkling that I would love teaching ballet, but it wasn’t until I was about halfway through my dance degree that I realized that I would be better suited in the wings as the teacher. The dance world can be cruel and although I LOVE the work it takes to reach these goals, I’m very passionate about creating a safe space for dancers!

  • On a similar topic, I’m proud of how much I’ve accomplished thus far in the world of dance despite its many ugly ideas and stereotypes. I have LOVED proving these ideas wrong. Dance and its unfortunately weighted trajectory have a place for everyone and I love that I get to remind young minds of that!

  • My friends. There’s nothing like the love and support of long-lasting friendships – I’m grateful for all of them every day.

Summer or Winter?

Winter all the way.

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